Monday, October 30, 2006
Just woke up from a strange dream. haha!
I the dream, I dreamt that I am going to marry someone.
Waa...! I thought real one before I woke up. Zzz...
I no need to say who is this girl right? haha! Supposedly all should guess by now.
She is the girl I always mention in my!
I think she agreed to the marriged.
Cause during the planning of the wedding ceremony at my uncle and aunt house, most of my friend appeared.
But I can't get one thing, why she never appeared. Zzz...
When discussing, I had a sudden quarrel with my past favourite uncle and aunt.
I quarrel to protect my that aunt. Haixsh...Hao Xin Mei Hao Bao. lol!
Lucky it is jus a dream.
Then suddenly, my house the fish tank appeared there. And it seem to Lou Shui.
Then Daren help to put water in it, no use cause the water will drip out again.
After that, I woke up.
ArhahhahahahahX...! Weird dream eh?
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 8:49 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Just came back watching sinking of Japan. A show that Japan made to screw themself. Lol!
But I like its ending, because gt my favourite the sunrise. Lol!
Guess what? Yesterday, I did not sleep.
This was the 1st time since holiday I never sleep at home.
Was feeling abit down, because two of my good friends just break with their ex and also other matters.
And both did not last long. I shall not name who is that. Hearing this make me feel insecure about love.
But of cause I will always believe in true love. I believe in fairy tales relationship, I shall find 1 who is worthy and she will be the last. I hope it will come true.
I seriously in need of a strong hearts. Too many emmotion in my hearts.
And I don't know how to express it although I have alot of good friends to talk to.
Worst part is my strong heart is stolen by her. So I really in need of the recipocrate attitude, or someone just give me your heart, lend me your strength. Lol!
Sound fantasy. Haha!
Today went to play basketball. Somewhat disappointed yet somewhat impressed.
Do you believe that someone late for 2hours +. Zzz...
Lucky I promised myself to say less vulgar. lol!
I am impress with Esther. Cause she continue believe in them and defend them till the moment she left.
Good job Esther, so loyal. Lol!
Maybe you can change position with your Bobby. Kidding. lol!
Impressed really impressed.
Hey I first time praise you must appreciate and treasure it okay. haha!
Sadnest in my heart is trying to break free. I must be strong!
What is anger? What is love?
Is it an illusion or is it real?
Come with happiness go with saddness.
Really is it's definition?
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 8:44 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I am going to change my url tomorrow. See my msn personal message to get the url. I just recieved my birthday pictures. You can get a look on them below. That day was fun but they say one years ago is better. I had no comment as one years ago I left early. Zzz... We played the drum game. Wow! I am super lousy. Mr LIAO WHERE ARE YOU? I seriously need you. Train me better than MEI SEN!!! ROAR!!! Lol! Eugene, Esther and Mei Sen never eat the steamboat. They say they don't feel like eating. Eugene eat already right? But thanks Eugene for you picture I really appreciate you are there. Thanks people I really have fun although my present is just a little. But a little is enough as a little yet alot. This little means alot to me, what I counts is sincerity not the amount spent.My birthday had already past but what I promised myself haven't been fulfilled. Zzz...... I shall get it done SOON!!! I must become better. A greater Yeow Wei! I must start to learn how to appreciate and stop being such an easily influence child I use to be. I will start to say less vulgar. Not even when playing game le. Wish me luck to fulfill my duty everyone. Give me strength for you all will be my pillar of strength. Support me for whom I believe.Why must it be this way? It loosen my strengthWe must be ready anytime anywhere. For who will know when their chance cam by?
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 10:31 AM
Reds vs Blacks... Look at Keith he is eager to CRUSH them!!!
Waa! How can you all cry on my birthday? Aww...! Don't cry......=.='''
Three Man Show!!! Hey where is the SuN? I don't want moonlight!!!
What are they doing?
Hey! DUN BULLY MY KEITH!!! U two frighten him till he is STONE!!!
We are ready to pose when you are...Wahahaha!
Dan Fei Zhui Hong...eveready to pose in from of a camera.
Look what the haze has done to me!
This is my 1st time taking picture alone with her. LOL! The both Shou Xin. Holy...I um chio!
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 9:15 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
I finally found out why I love you so much. This is what I have been wondering since the 1st day I had a crush on you. It's because you are you and no matter what you do is always been so natural. Love is really not just looks. If the person I like now suddenly change soul, will i still like the person with the other soul?( Senario by Choon ) I don't think I will. I love the her and her only. I only got one heart and it is stolen how to I love the one inside her body? I can't cause my heart is already stolen, it is gone. When I found out how come I like this girl so much, my love get stronger and feel more secure. I didn't disclosed whom I love to much people, although one must be true to love. I think because I am afraid. Am I? I am confuse now, cause I really think alot recently. Last time I never found out about this because I had this mindset that you wont know where you like about the girl, then this is call love. But seriously speaking is this really the definition of love? I don't think so. Why? It is because how you will live with that person when you two get marriaged? You don't even know where you like about her. This kind of relationship will tend to fall easily. This kind of love is never everlasting! I don't want this kind of relationship, I want true love which is everlasting. This is the biggest reason why I still havent found a stead. I don't believe I can't find one outside. I am not saying I very handsome or whatsoever. I am speaking the truth. I believe most people agree too, isnt it?An example of me thinking alot=> Am I a easily influence person? I remember I almost convert once to christianity. I really thought that it a right path for me. As what they say seem so true and so comfortable. Yet, I found out that not all they say are true, even it is comfortable and nice to listen. It is just an appeasment and some time propaganda. This is a reason why I havent convert till now even though I went to so many church. This is one of the answer to those who ask me why. Lets stop on this topic le. As I think too racist.What the use of being jealous? What you should do is to be better so don't waste time being jealous =. =D
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 6:32 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
New Blog, new begining. Yeah! From now on i am going to put down the past and sprint towards the future. So long never blog because I am very lazy and I am going to kick away my laziness. My birthday had just past two days ago, so I had grown up 1 years old. I am not small already, I am 16, I am a man now! From today on I must be more matured.Happy belated Birthday to = Sree, Shamala, Kok Yong, Clair, Yee Wen, Joe, Bro, Mei Sen and Myself too! =DMy Birthday wishes
I hope there will be peace, no disaster. Everyone can find their true love. Be happy always. Be trueful to oneself and thyself. my godfather will become better and I gained my own freedom. Everyone stay healthy always.
My Special thanks to(not in any particular order)
Jowell, Eunice, Kai Jie, Teck Choon, Aiya Brotherhood =D, My sis and Bro, Joe,Melvan, Daren, Esther, Li Shiyun, Eugene, Wei Leong, Wei Liang, My Mum, Hu Li Shen Zhang, My Godfather, Uncle Stieffe, Mr Sim Lee Yong, Hui Yong, Keith and the 1st two who wish me Happy Birthday
On 2nd place: Mei Sen
On 1st place: Gladys
( I forget the 3rd lol! Sorry )
Since I created a new blog and I had just past my birthday, I shall make a new introduction of myself.
My favourite drinks:
Pokka Green Tea, Tea of any kind too, Coke, 100+, Ice Cool
My favourite food:
Pizza, Mcdonald, Chicken Rice, Lor Mee, Ba Chor Mee, Ramen, Ban Mian, Mushroom Soup, Most of Soup I like also, Whip Potato, Zhu Chao, e.t.c ( really too many )
My Favourite Singer/Band Top 10
Wang Lee Hom, Lin Jun Jie, Zhou Jie Lun, Andy Lau, Sun Yan Zhi, Guang Liang, 5566, S.H.E, Jin Sha, Twins
This should be it, I'll skip my characteristic as it will be too bhb I think. Lol! Okay, let start about what I have learn.
I finally accepted that people do chnage not just mindset will but character will too. But nevertheless I still believe that people cant change their main character. A person will change as the environment change and other factors too. I had witness alot of changes to human hearts. I had seen people became good and became bad again and return to the good side again. I also seen people fallen to the darkness and never return again. And also more too. I had a great friend just turn heel , but I am sure he will return. Why he turn bad? Maybe because of that incident? I dont know?
In the past I always do charity without hestitation. But during the past 2 year or maybe 1 and the half years I had not do that much. Reason? I shall not disclosed. Even if I did, I did with hestitation. But now, I will do more and be like the past. =D No matter wether it is a con or what, if I had the ability, I will.
Now, I will write about some friends and to no offense or against anyone:
I know that you had been deeply hurt. I also know that no matter how you try, you cant seem to control your emmo. If it is just recently that you had been hurt, I can understand how you feel. But it had been a long time since, please get over it. I had also been hurt deeply too before. Although our case are different but I know how you feel. People always use, you will not know how I feel. But that is an excuse to escape. How do I get over my saddness, my emmotion? I can get over because when I think that I had a bad life or I am suffering, I saw people are suffering far more than me, leading a worst life than me and some live life with humilation. So to them I am a lucky person when I think I am the most unluckiest person in the world. Hope one day I will see your smile more beautifully. =)
I have witness the change in you. You have really change alot, alot more than what you think. I had start to think the person I went with talk about my feeling and stuff like that is the other person. I agree with you that you want a person to change back to his past is impossible. So I wish you will change to a more better person than your past and far more than now. I really do miss the young, innocent and naive Choon I know. But the Choon now is no longer innocent and young. I had come to a point that I almost don't know you. But luckily I am a fast adapter. lol! I think you have change because of that incident( the recent one). The old incident make you a better person. The new one change you to a worst. But it is still early, so to reverse it , is still possible. And really do see things in other angle and see things outside its angle. Takecare. =D
Finally you had become a happier person this year. And I definitely believe you will passed your N'level. Even if no one believe in you or you don't believe in yourself, remember you still have me. Choon once said that you are intelligent but only you never make good use only. I totally agree with him. You have the ability to think what normally people cant. Make good use of that talent. You have potential in other things too, only you havent discover it yet. Don't be dishearten. And I am terrible sorry about teaching you bad stuff in Secondary 1 and 2. You are a great friend to have. =[] Be a good boy. Lol! Kidding!
Hong Hui
Nice hair. So listen to me and you shall not regret. Lol! Kidding! Never wished me happy birthday! Never mind forgive and forget. Good eh? Now this kind of guy where find? lol! jkjk! Sound familiar? haha! Yup! Copyrighted from you de. Haha! Stay happy and remember to see things in a wider angle and the angle outside. If you cant I also cannot teach you must ask Keith le. Haha! He is a pro in it. ",
Mei Sen
Waa...! You very good... Every year I give you present you never give me. Sob... Kidding! Don't get the wrong idea why I give you present. Because is fun to give present to the same birthday people. That what I and Joe did every year. You are very honour to recieve my present. Haha! More honour to recieve a present this year because it is not soft toy which I give to most people. LOL! XD And Thanks for borning later than me so I am the oldest among we three. Muhahahaha! Call me Big Bro. hehe! Kidding!
OkayZ another Special thanks
Thanks for the I pod from mum sorry for wasting so much money. Chocolate looking bear bear from us? I know one of them is daren. The book from Eugene i will finish reading it de although all the words look chim. The small phone accessory from Keith, very Kawaii.My sis cookies although I forget to bring home and eat but I eat some very nice, and also I am touch because in the past you don't know how to cook and I always cook for you, you grow fast.
Last but not least, thanks Melvan, Keith, Daren, Eugene, Gladys, Weileong, Esther, Mei Sen, Li Si Yun for being present on Friday. I had a great time...
Small little things you do counts , it will stack and make a difference. Even if it is small..!
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 7:45 AM