Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I shall post before I leave Singapore. It had been long since I travelled out of this place of misery aka Shang Xin Di. Lol! Why I call this a place of misery? It is due to its size, where can you go in Singapore? Feel really depressed when looking. Singapore is actually a nice place, except for it's size. If only Singapore is much more bigger, the economy will rise even further. It doesn't matter much though, because I still LOVE SINGAPORE!!! Singapore is the place where I met all my friends and of cause my BELOVED DEAR DEAR!!! =DYesterday, Dear come to Anderson for a tour and I am the tour guide of cause. So long never been back to school and it still had the sleeping curse. Feel so sleepy there. Lol! Hey! But I am not the only one who feel sleepy. Hehe! Dear compliment our school is very beautiful, but our class. Er... Long Men Ke Zhan!!! So dirty and messy. How come so dirty and messy? My table also shifted place. Zzz...... Then we proceeded to the school library, we go there slack and chit chat. Lol! Everyone was laughing like hell and the usual insults. ArhahaX! And suddenly daren took my Dear phone and prank called Esther. Sabo her... =.= Dear called back explained and she want to befriend with Esther. Gosh... I am worried, what if Esther teach her or influence her bad stuff? Zzzz...... Quite some time later, we went back d n t room and slack. Lol!After leaving the Sleepy Wood, I went to extend the dateline of my passport. The queue was so long that it took me 2 hrs to reached my turn. 135 people in front of me!!! I felt guilty letting Melvan they all to wait for me. I rushed down to Serangoon straight after I am done to sing K. =DOk barhx... I shall post till here, for more info of the KTV session you can proceed to Eugene blog and visit. Haha!Dear I will miss you dearly while on the trip to Genting. You must takecare worhx! =D
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 8:17 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Just woke up in a delight mood. No No! Not delight but something more powerful and happy to describe my mood. Do you all believe in this thing call "the heart connection"? Tell you what it happened just a moment ago.While I was sleeping, I sensed this sound, this very sharp sound. I thought could not be my hp so I went back to sleep. Then I found myself trapping on the bed with dilemma. So I couldn't sleep. While this was happening, suddenly and sense a strong urge to run to take my hp despite my tireness. I was stun to see my hp off, as I was expecting an sms or something. I switched on my phone immediately and bring it to my room. Hoping to sleep better, but I cant help looking at the phone. I was still worried I guessed. So I prayed hard in my heart that she was alright and was having fun. Suddenly there was this phone call came and the no. was unrecognisable.It was from her! I am overjoy now and don't know what to say. Arrrg!!! I should speak more. Zzzz...... Wasted, who call me just wake up. Lol! Yesterday, I was really worried, now the boulder had vanished. Like paper was burn by a fire, turn to ashes and be gone. So happy =DThis is not the only occasion, but there are few times that happened too. So I solely believed that heart could be connected and I think my ling hun force me to go get my phone de. LOL! Sorry that is an insider joke so many people will never understand de. => Quote by Hong Hui
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 10:52 AM
Nothing to do, want to study but can't. =X Cannot let my Dear Dear see this, or else I'll be in a hot soup. >.<>
Then I gotten quite depress while reading a particular person blog. The ENGLISH is so GOOD that I couldn't help thinking can my english be as good as hers? TC!!! You got to teach me how to use those chim english already, because I was made depress partly because of you. >.<
Now I found this smiley >.<>
Yesterday, very estactic and yet very stress too. Haha! But now much better lerhx. =D With my dear around, I can smile the whole day. Wahahaha!!! I am a happy man with a happy smile. LOL!
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 10:52 AM
Everyone I apologised about my previous post, it is abit erm...... Lol! I was abit too overwhelmed by disappointment and fiery. Although I let the bygone bygone, still if you all understand what I trying to imply would be great. Haha!Belated Congratulation to the Newly Wed: Eliza and Sammuel!On Saturday, I went to attend my frd wedding lunch at Regeant Singapore 4 star hotel. I wore my most cooler formal shirt to there. Thats is my first time wearing it. Lol! The wedding ceremony was fun and the food was difinitely great. I was happy to be there and estactic to be invited to witness such a blissful moment.Straight after the lunch ended, I went to my mum shop. To let her see how handsome her son had become. =D She shock to see me in that outfit, and can see her mouth wide open in disbelieved. Lol! I told her that shirt was brought by her and her mouth had open wider and it gotten larger when I told it was the first time I am wearing it. Actually I planned to wear that on graduation ball but it still a long way to go. Might as well wear it now. Haha!Went to my mum shop, help her serve to customer and on my way to Cineleisure aka L2. Meeting Choon and Jia Zhe there to watch the B.O.T.Y (Breaking of the Year). Yu Ying caught us up shortly after we met. Then its time to barberque Pork. All of us was under the hot sun waiting for the competition/ performance to start. The weather was hot and all was sweating like there was no tomorrow. Saw Say Liang and his crew members, don't know whether did he spot me?6.30pm, finally the show had started. Our seat was not a good one though, but at least got a quite clear view. All the competitors dance with eleglance and Radikal Forze indeed live up to its name. Such a strong footwork the team has, all the step mesmerized me. Floor Technique was a fierce competitors to Radikal Forze and I was shocked when Radikal Forze was announced the winner. In terms of style, power moves and teamwork FTC sure had the upperhand but RF method of battling was safer. I was quite disappointed to seen Jr absent from the glory ground. Say Liang did a great job and he seems to be very famous in that area in the street. When he do the moves, everyone was cheering for him and we all did the Joey favourite action. Because it is the sign to acknowledgede the profession in that particular person. Lol!Yesterday was the day that I will remember for life! I don't know how to express my happiness in words. I am too overjoy!!! Whole world going to know what is happening soon. =D The news is spreading quite fast like a wild fire. And I am sure those who knows are very happy for us! =DFinally its raining and I shall end my post here. Haha! I am a happy man...=D
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 10:52 AM
The unhappiness inside me, I don't know where to vent out. So I once again decided to seek help from the power of blog again. I help not because I am not angry. It is because I don't want to ruin gladys birthday. As her best friends don't you all know how overboard you go? Do you all even know that keith and I don't even intend to go escape? How much money we wasted and didn't even make it worth. Our mood are even ruined. I can choose to curse you all to oblivion and spoiled all your plans too. But I choose not to, because I don't want to mak history repeat itself. I am sure you all knew about 7-11 and I don't want see that again.I was tramatized by how you all handle things. Still have the cheek to try to chased us off. You know the consquences of that if you all did succeed? And one last thing... YOU ALL NEVER EVEN SAY SORRY OR SHOW SOME GRATITUTE TO US OTHER THAN GLADYS!!! IF WE EVER DAO YOU ALL SHOW YOU OUR UNHAPPINESS, WE HAD ALL RIGHT TO DO SO!!! Next time we ps... don't ever blame us!!!*Here is the story about just now. I won't keep this as a secret because we are not in the wrong. I am so unhappy that I truely needed to vent out. Please mind your language if one of you intend to tag or complain about this post. Don't mind you complain, infact you all don't have the right to complain.Daren, Mel, Keith and I suppose to meet at Mel house at 12.30pm. I went late and in the end all reached Bishan bus stop at 1.15+pm. Since the journey is long, we are really late and I thik we made gladys and Lai Shi Yun waited for nearly an hour. My apology to you two. While on the journey Esther called and ask where are we and she use this phrase," we are going to shot you all shortly."( Wrong Word though ) And when we reached Escape, (Down Town East there for those who don't know) they still at AMK MRT waiting for Mei Sen. Knowing that today going to Xing birthday still seek help in school about sch work till so late. I don't know what you are thinking about but at least shouldn't make the others so late too. After quite sometime we recieved news that they gone to bake cake instead of meeting us in Escape. This totally spoiled our mood and too down to play any rides. Can't even enjoy while playing. And I never even heard any sorry or thank you from them, even though the damage had been done. At least a thank you will cool us a little. Just a little and also at least won't make me that angry. Nevermind, still want us to bring gladys to Si Mei!?!?! Shouldn't you all be here at the first place?Don't know the baking cake part is already planned or just think of it the idea? If it is already plan idea, is even worst!!! Why ask us to waste money to go Escape and spoiled everyone mood just to suprise one? Can you all please care about the other people feelings? While we are moodless, suddenly Daren phone rang and it was Eugene. Eugene wanted us to meet him for dinner at Hou Gang after that. I knew something was wrong immediately but I did no action. Until when we decided to leave, this is where we hold the power to spoil everything or help you all do something to repay. And I decided to be a good guy, so I convinced the others to go to meet Eugene for dinner. On the way there I sms him to try to get some info. Knew it they had plan along. This where another party was made used.When we reached there and finished our dinner that time, I got to know that they intend to chase us off. What kind of friend are you all calling? Shouldn't you all show some trust? We help you all this far are not just for show. Is to solve things the best way as possible. Thats why I purposely made all of us stay. And of course we wanted to stay!!! Remember one thing, don't ever use ruse on people with IQ higher than yours. I promised if the same thing happen to you all again I will not help le. Trust me one person do make a difference.Hopless soul... I can make you perished!!! Never repeat the lights of it insolence......
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 10:52 AM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The test of MR.Ah.HOCK!!! Not advisable for those who have a weak heart... And is for fun fun de, pls pardon those word that shouldn't be in the test...lol!

Create your own Friend Test here
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 1:28 AM
Try my new friend test... For those who think my previous test was hard... It is more easiest...Lol!

Create your own Friend Test here
Th3 Desir3 in my HeartZ only had enough Spac3 for You. 12:50 AM